Monday, December 26, 2011
urgh,nhe yg x ske nhe wat pos tajok mcm nhe,pjam celik,da nk masok taon baru,taon 2012,
hmm,mcm x caye je kan?
kalau masok je taon baru,mst lha kene ad azam yg baru ka?
TAON BARU dgn AZAM BARU nhe,dah mcm kapel kan?x bole nk dpsah kan?
so sempena nk mnyambot taon baru nhe,kene la aq wat azam yg baru,
punye la aq fkir lame,ok,this is my AZAM,
-----------------------------> mama is the first place
--------------------------->ALLAH is always in my heart
---------------------------------------->pelajaran harus fokus!
-------------------------------------------------------------->make my mom happy(always)
lastly,the most important is,FRIENDSHIP FOREVER
i think smpai cni je kott,sbab x de pape nk dckp kan,
( * o * )
damn!lowm lg nk tmat,i have something to say,i really really really hope that kengkawan aq x pinda taon dpan,
especially,those girls!
i miss u girls sooo much lha!<-----i think this word not much to spread rse rndu yg aq rase dkat korang,
im going to die if u girls adopted to other school
and,i will feel lonely,always!!
words spilled @ 6:21 AM /
leave goosebumps here ⋄